Excellent News: Now Is The Best Time To Learn Photography

Don Orkoskey | December 22, 2023

Now Is The Best Time To Learn Photography

Now is the best time to learn photography! January is National Hobby Month which makes it the perfect time of year to take a photography class! Photography is one of the most popular hobbies in the US and around the world. Learning photography is both fun and rewarding.

Learn Photography Now

Now is the best time to learn photography. January being National Hobby Month means there are more classes than ever. Too, learning now gives you an advantage. When the weather improves you'll already feel confident and can practice your new hobby without frustration.

Here are the top reasons that people list for why they want to learn photography as a hobby.

Creative Outlet

Photography provides a creative and artistic outlet. It's a hobby that allows you to express yourself visually. Hobbies such as painting or sculpting cost less to initially begin. However, the learning curve is steep. Today's cameras will deliver great results most of the time. One beginner's class will teach you what you need to know when they don't.

Classes such as my ultimate beginner's course, provide you with everything you need to know. As a result you can begin to enjoy your photography much faster and feel more confident doing so.

Personal Growth

Learning any new skill can lead to personal growth. This is especially true when it comes to photography. I wrote an entire article on how learning photography makes you a better person.

In fact, photography allows us to:

  • Explore the world around us, learning more about it and ourselves
  • Use creative expression to explain how we feel about specific subjects
  • Tell stories we're interested in

Stress Relief

As a hobby, photography can be great source of stress relief. From street photography to nature and wildlife, the relief that we can feel when we concentrate on capturing photos is powerful. Although I'm a full time photographer nature photography is how I reduce stress. In fact, there's nothing that works better for me. I love to be in the woods by myself with just my camera. It's calming and peaceful. Too, it allows me time to think and reflect.

Social Interactions

One thing that a lot of hobby photographers say is that they enjoy the social interactions photography affords them. It's true that you can practice photography in ways that avoid others. However, there are tons of ways to find and build your social circle through photography. In fact, that's one of the biggest benefits I've found in the photography classes I teach. Learning together builds a community of people you can turn to for additional help.

In addition to classes there are camera clubs, photography tours, and so much more. Plus, if you're interested in street photography you're bound to get talked to a lot. Actually, I find that's true of any photography I do where other people are around.

Personal Enjoyment

Many people take up photography as a hobby because they simply enjoy it. From using photography to document your life, travels, or family, to connecting with nature or just having new fun technology to explore - learning photography is a great way to get more out of life. Photography allows us to see the world differently. In fact, learning photography can help reshape your entire outlook on the world.

Why You Should Learn Photography Now

January is the perfect time to learn photography. There are many photography classes both online and offline. Due to the weather and shorter days there are fewer things to do outside the house or around it. Too, it's just after the holidays which means you may have gotten a new camera.

Alternatively, you may be looking for a New Years Resolution that you can actually keep. Remember, resolutions don't need to be unpleasant. Resolve to learn photography now and build your skills for when the weather breaks.

Learn Photography For Any Reason

Of course you can learn photography for any reason. In fact, you don't have to just do photography as a hobby. For example, in this article I'll help you understand how to become a photographer without paying for school.

Pittsburgh Headshot Photographer Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography I'm full time professional event and portrait photographer Don Orkoskey. Since 2007 I've owned WDO Photography. Additionally, I teach photography in partnership with a number of amazing organizations in and around Pittsburgh as well as offering my own group photography classes and individual photography lessons. I teach classes for both adults and children and lead free nature photography meetups each month. I also write a monthly newsletter full of great information and maintain a list of free photography resources to help you learn photography.
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7120 Harrison Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Open by appointment

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