Press & Media

Media Inquires

Don Orkoskey Professional Headshot Photographer

As someone who trained in photojournalism I understand and greatly value free press and independent media. I am always willing to help reporters with their stories. To reach me for interviews about photography or any other subject please visit and fill out the form on my contact page. You may also call or text me at 412.206.9364 if you want to reach me quicker. Please use these methods only. Attempting to contact me via social media may result in a delay in my response.

When contacting me please include the fastest way to reach you back. Additionally, I'd love to know who you're representing or where I can find your work. While I do value independent media I may decline to work with media outlets which push an agenda that seeks to destroy trust in journalism. An independent press is essential to all other freedoms and I cannot be party, no matter how small, to any media that works against those freedoms.

Event Appearances

If you would like to book me for your event as a speaker, panelist, instructor, or other guest please visit my contact page and fill out the form. I am always happy to make appearances and give lectures, participate in panel discussions, or present on topics which I'm versed in. I'm available for both in person and virtual events.

In the past I've participated in panels and given lectures on a variety of subjects including but not limited to photography. I've also spoken about and am willing to speak about ADHD, permaculture, community development, and my own personal experiences with childhood trauma.

Past Media Appearances

The following is a list of select past media appearances and interviews I've given. This list is mostly limited to interviews, podcasts, and other media appearances which relate to photography or other aspects of my professional work.


The Crossing It Off Podcast. In November of 2022 I appeared on The Crossing It Off Podcast. If you're not familiar this is a podcast about crossing items off of your bucket list. This summer my wife and I visited Yosemite National Park. That was a big bucket list item. Getting to photograph such a spectacular place was incredible.

Consumer Reports: Preserving Family History. In February of 2022 I spoke with Melanie Pinola from Consumer Reports about the importance of preserving family history. This was for an article which first appeared on their website during Black History Month but it has since been published in their print addition as well. I was interviewed along with a number of incredible archivists and preservationists.  

Mother's Of Misfits Podcast. In January of 2022 I spoke with Emily Melious, the host of the MOM Podcast. Mother's of Misfits is a podcast about raising kids with different abilities including neurodiverse kids. I talked to Emily about my process for making family portraits fun and as stress free as can be. 

Listen to my appearance on the Neurodiverse Teacher podcast. The interview is titled, Beauty Through the Lens.


Contributed to an article on the importance of saving your family's photos and other artifacts in Consumer Reports alongside archivists and preservationists.

Quoted in Lifewire on the potential of a dedicated video button on the next iPhone.

Cited in the Photography Business Institute's article: Tips to Launching a Photography Career.

Quoted in US News and World Reports about the 10 Best Bird Baths of 2024 as a nature photography expert.

Cited in Newsweek about the iPhone AI "features" that automatically edit your photos.

Quoted in Women's World for a blurb on Leaf Peeping in October (PDF).

Cited by for their article on dating app pictures.

Interviewed by Kayla Jimenez for USA Today for an article on jobs that don't require degrees. You can read more about becoming a photographer without paying for school here.

Past Events