WDO Photography’s May Nature Photography Meetup

May nature photography meetup

Frick Environmental Center

2005 Beechwood Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Pittsburgh, PA, US, 15217

Join me, professional nature photographer Don Orkoskey, for my exciting, fun, and unpredictable May nature photography meetup.

Do you love nature and/or nature photography? Join me, professional nature photographer Don Orkoskey for my free monthly nature photography meetup in Pittsburgh’s beautiful Frick Park!

Enjoy the fresh spring flowers, listen to and photograph the birds, and see what other exciting things we can discover together.

This event is free and open to everyone. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Plus, your equipment doesn’t matter. Bring your phone, or bring your massive telephoto lens, there are incredible photos available regardless of your gear.

Meeting Location

We meet at the end of the promenade around the fountain. If it’s your first time visiting this part of Frick there is a covered parking area just past the main gates. If you enter through the main gates (between the two small gatehouses) you’ll see the Frick Environmental Center (FEC) on your right. Walk past the FEC towards the meadow and woods. There is a low fountain with a ring of benches around it at the end of the paved path. This is where we’ll meet (near those benches). Remember, everyone is welcome at the May nature photography meetup!

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