Pittsburgh Photography Blog

The Best Way To Organize Your Photos With Adobe Lightroom
This is the ultimate guide to using Adobe Lightroom to organize your photos so you can find them faster back them up easier, and ensure they’re safe.

You Need To Know How To Price Your Photography
Understanding how to price your photography can be frustrating when starting your photography business. Use this guide to price your work.

Easily find the best lens for portraits
Easily find the best lens for portraits no matter what camera system you use. Create incredible portraits confidently every time.

Perfecting Corporate Portraits: 10 Easy Tips for stunning photos
Businesses these days rely on photos for growth. Perfect the art of taking business portraits with our top corporate portrait tips and help the business grow.

Capturing Commerce: Seize The Secrets To Commercial Photography Success
Seize The Secrets To Commercial Photography Success while learning about the vital role commercial photography plays in commerce today.

Comparing The Best DSLR Cameras: 2024
Looking to upgrade your photography gear in 2024? Check out my comprehensive comparison of the best DSLRs to buy in 2024. From Nikon to Canon, Sony to Panasonic, we’ve got you covered. Find the perfect camera for your needs and take your photography to new heights.

The Truth About How Easy Selling Your Photos Can Be
Learn the truth about how easy selling your photos can be from guest author Ryan Goodchild of pupperslove.com.

Know Your Value: Defying Work-for-Hire for Photographer Empowerment
Know Your Value: Defying Work-for-Hire for Photographer Empowerment, my latest advice piece for hard working photographers.
Professional Photography Advice
Articles categorized Professional Photography Advice from pro photographer Don Orkoskey on the blog of WDO Photography. These articles are full of information for those interested in doing event photography, sports photography, or nature photography. Plus those looking to do headshots or other portrait, family portrait, and more.If you're interested in having articles like these delivered to you monthly sign up for Don's photography newsletter. Once a month Don sends out an informative newsletter full of great information for photographers. In addition to articles you'll find product reviews, deals, and more.If you're looking to become a professional photographer be sure to bookmark WDO Photography.Thank you for reading the Pittsburgh Photography Blog by me, Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography! If you want more great stuff check out my other website Orkoskey.com or my social profiles at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.