Pittsburgh Photography Blog
The top ten best photography schools in the world
Generally I don’t recommend going to school for photography. However if you really want to, here are the 10 best photography schools in the world.
How To Make An Excellent Looking Portfolio
Here is how to make your portfolio look incredible in order to increase your photography bookings and sales.
How To Become A Work-From-Home Photographer
Looking to start your photo business? Don’t have the funds for a studio? No worries, here is how to become a work-from-home photographer!
This Is What I Found Interesting About GoodFirms
As a small business owner I’m always looking for ways to improve my reach. This is why GoodFirms is the newest part of my marketing strategy.
Are Mirrorless Cameras Better Than DSLRs
Are mirrorless cameras better than DSLRs? The answer depends on what you’re photographing and a few other factors.
This is How Profitable Photographers Calculate Pricing
This is how profitable photographers calculate pricing for their photography business and why you need to use this method to succeed.
Take Advantage of Alt Tags for Better Page Rank
Take advantage of alt tags for better page rank on your photography or other business website with this guide to how to use alt tags for your photos.
How To Actually Find Valuable Photography Training
Don’t be swindled or waste your time searching in vain. Here is advice on how to actually find valuable photography training from a photography teacher with over 15 years experience.
Easily The Best Lens For Portrait Photography
Easily the best lens for portrait photography, the telephoto prime, is a must for all serious portrait photographers. Here’s why.
High Quality Photos Make Your Small Business Branding Stronger
Small businesses can often experience branding challenges. This is why high quality photos make your small business branding stronger.
The Best Way To Organize Your Photos With Adobe Lightroom
This is the ultimate guide to using Adobe Lightroom to organize your photos so you can find them faster back them up easier, and ensure they’re safe.
You Need To Know How To Price Your Photography
Understanding how to price your photography can be frustrating when starting your photography business. Use this guide to price your work.
Professional Photography Advice
Articles categorized Professional Photography Advice from pro photographer Don Orkoskey on the blog of WDO Photography. These articles are full of information for those interested in doing event photography, sports photography, or nature photography. Plus those looking to do headshots or other portrait, family portrait, and more.If you're interested in having articles like these delivered to you monthly sign up for Don's photography newsletter. Once a month Don sends out an informative newsletter full of great information for photographers. In addition to articles you'll find product reviews, deals, and more.If you're looking to become a professional photographer be sure to bookmark WDO Photography.Thank you for reading the Pittsburgh Photography Blog by me, Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography! If you want more great stuff check out my other website Orkoskey.com or my social profiles at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.