fantastic photos from back button focus
Learn how to use back button focus for fantastic photos with me, pro photographer Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography. I began to experiment with back button focus a few years ago and didn't really understand how powerful it really is. Then just a few months ago, as more and more students began to ask about it, I tried again. What I found was that back button focus provides a ton of advantages when used correctly. Therefore, let's get into exactly what back button focus is and how using back button focus can improve your photography.
What Is Back Button Focus?
So just what is back button focus? If you're new to the concept you may be wondering what back button focus really is. The most basic definition is programing a button on the back of your camera to control focus. Some cameras have a back button that already allows you use it to focus but to use it "properly" you'll want to turn off the shutter release focusing. That is, to remove your ability to focus with the shutter release button. I hope that helps clear up what back button focus is. Now, let's talk about why you'll want to use back button focus.
Why Use Back Button Focus
Why should you use back button focus? There are a few reasons why you'd use back button focus. It's most often used by wildlife photographers who take a lot of subject tracking photos. This is because the button we press on most cameras for back button is ergonomically positioned to help us create sharper photos. In fact, I use only back button focus wildlife photography now.
Of course, back button focusing is useful for more than wildlife photography. As such I now use back button focusing for events and pretty much everything. You might ask why use back button focus for events? Similar to wildlife, back button focusing during events allows me to track movement or get more granular focus in busy event photography settings.
Another huge bonus of back button focus is that it allows you to compose your photo and focus on your subject separately. In fact, when you separate your focusing from your composition you begin to see more dynamic compositions.
The Mechanics of Back Button Photography
Because of the construction of modern cameras we can often be our own worst enemy. When we press our shutter release button we may slightly jerk our camera. As a result, we'll end up with camera shake. Additionally, this jerking motion can cause our focus to slip as we're tracking our subjects. Lastly, it makes tracking them harder.
Squeezing The Camera
Rather than pressing down on our shutter button it's helpful to squeeze our camera with even pressure. So, back button focus helps us do this by giving us a point on the back of the camera where we're already applying some pressure.
Equal Pressure help prevent that jerking motion. Because we're countering the pressure we're putting on the shutter release we lose the jerk and can track our subject better.
Multiple Focus Settings
Another huge benefit of back button focusing is the ability to program multiple focus settings into different buttons.
For example. my Nikon D850 is programed with three different focus area buttons. First, I have two back buttons which provide a 16 spot and 9 spot area. Then I have one of the function button in the front by my lens set to a single point. This is ideal, because each button gives me a different focus area which I can use to track subjects more closely. Nikon back button focus is a major benefits of Nikon DSLR cameras and their higher end Mirrorless bodies.
As mentioned, a front function button is set to single point AF. This is great for stationary subjects, especially if they're far off and/or in the middle of a lot of other stuff. I often use this with birds sitting on branches. In addition I can focus on the eyes of subjects if they're stationary.
Both of my Nikon back button focus buttons are programed for wider focus areas which allow me to track faster moving or harder to track subjects more easily.
The first of these buttons is the AF-ON button. The other is the joystick. On my D850 I press down on my joystick and it acts as a button. Because both of these are right next to each other they allow me to put even pressure on the back of the camera when taking photos.
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How To Use Back Button Focus On Your Camera
Each camera is different. As such finding out how to use the back button focus might require some googling. Many professional or high end consumer cameras will come with multiple programable function buttons. This means that not only the camera system but the model matters to figuring out how to set up you camera. After learning how to use back button focus you'll either love it or hate it. In fact, I've never met anyone who's tried it and been indifferent.
Setting Up Your Specific Camera
Read below for a quick bit of instructions about how to set this up for most Nikon back button focus on your cameras. If you don't use a Nikon I highly recommend buying one of these really useful pocket guides for your specific camera model.
Nikon Back Button Focus
I'm a Nikon user. Therefore I can explain how to set up Nikon back button focus on most modern Nikon cameras. First you need to go into the menu's Autofocus settings (under the pencil). From here choose AF Activation and turn that off. This will stop your camera from autofocusing when you half press your shutter release. Of course, it's important to remember this. Otherwise, if you forget you'll think that something is very wrong. Once you've done so you'll need to use your back button autofocus to focus.
Back Button Focus Sony
Sony back button focus isn't very different than Nikon. In fact, most Sony Mirrorless cameras have a similarly placed back button autofocus button. The Sony back button focus is labeled AF-ON (similar to both Canon and Nikon's back button autofocus button).
Back Button Focus Canon
Similar to Sony, many Canon cameras feature an AF-ON button. However, their less expensive models often don't. Before you can use it check to see if your camera has this button. If not you might still have the option to back button focus. In fact, the buttons located in the same area (around where your thumb rests) may also give you the ability to back button autofocus.
Setting Up Your Back Button Autofocus
Once you've turned of your shutter release AF you need to program your other buttons. To do this on a Nikon you need to go to the Controls setting, (again under the pencil). Then click Custom Control Assignment and choose the button you want to assign an autofocus setting to. From here you simply select the button which you want to program. Then find the Af Area Mode + AF On settings and select the area you want to assign to that button.
Don't Forget What You've Done
When you've first turned off AF Activation you might forget the first few times. This happened to me. As a result, I would half press my shutter and wonder why my lens wasn't focusing. After a few minutes I would remember and feel like a fool.
For the most part this is just something silly that happens. However, if you've grabbed your camera and are quickly trying to squeeze off a shot it will really drive you nuts. For me that's exactly what happened the first few times. I'd show up to take some photos, get a photo lined up, and then wonder why my camera wasn't focusing on my subject. So don't forget what you've done.
Using Back Button Focus For Fantastic Photos
Being able to switch between different focus settings or to focus and recompose means more sharp photos and more artistic freedom. Additionally being able to pre-focus or to focus on your subject then release leave that focus there even as your subject moves across the frame is very helpful.
Cameras With Multiple Function Button
As I said earlier, I program different autofocus areas for each button I use for back button autofocus. I highly recommend setting at least one to single point focus. This is your smallest focus area and one that you should be using for stationary subjects.
When it comes to your other focus buttons you should choose a focus setting that fits the subjects that you're photographing. Alternatively you can set it to the autofocus setting that you feel most comfortable using most of the time.
One Button Back Button Focus
Not all cameras have a bunch of different programable buttons. If your camera only has one you'll want to set that one to a focus area that you're comfortable with. Alternatively you can switch this out to the most appropriate setting for the subject on any given outing. Either way, back button autofocus is still a powerful tool.
Focus and Composition
Since I've switched to back button focus I've managed to grab some really fun compositions. I've also managed to grab a few shots I would have otherwise missed. For example, this photo of a Titmouse with a seed in it's mouth.
This bird was sitting on a branch surrounded by small twigs. It was only there for a matter of seconds. If I didn't have a button programed for single focus I wouldn't have had time to change my focus settings to bring that up, change the point to the right location for the best composition, then get the shot.
Keep Learning
If you're interested in continuing to learn about how to use back button focus or other fantastic photography topics consider signing up for a private photography class or just a simple consultation. You can also find loads of tips on my blog and through my monthly newsletters. I'm also happy to answer questions sent via my contact form.

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