Abstract Nature Photography Workshop


March 17


03:30 pm - 06:30 pm

Event Category:

Photography Classes and Workshops

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/abstract-nature-photography-workshop-tickets-805868824347

Pro photographer Don Orkoskey | WDO Photography |

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/pro-photographer-don-orkoskey-wdo-photography-49786904733

WDO Photography

7120 Harrison Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Pittsburgh, PA, US, 15218

Come experience the magic making experimental abstract nature photographs at the abstract nature photography workshop from WDO Photography.

Push the nature photography envelop

Join this incredibly fun experimental abstract nature photography workshop and use your camera like you never have before. Make magical photos at the Abstract Nature Photography Workshop.

If you’re feeling limited or like you’re playing it safe with your photography this workshop will set you free. In contrast, maybe you’re interested in photography, or nature photography specifically but aren’t sure where to start.

Either way, this workshop is for everyone. Regardless of your photographic skills and knowledge you’ll LOVE this class.

What is Abstract Nature Photography?

Abstract nature photography is a way to explore the natural world in an entirely new way. Typically, in nature photography, we’re trying to find ways to capture clear, easy to understand photos.

However, abstract nature photography gives us the chance to experiment with the natural world. In that, through abstraction, we can focus on shapes, colors, contrast, time, or other less concrete ideas. Therefore, our final photo doesn’t have to be recognizable.

Class Details

When: March 17th, 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Where: WDO Photography Studios 7120 Harrison Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Note: we’ll meet initially in the studio classroom, after a brief lecture, weather permitting, we’ll travel a few minutes away to Frick Park where we’ll practice creating abstract nature photos.
Is This Class For Me: It is, seriously though, you don’t have to have experience, the camera you have (even your smartphone) will work perfectly.
Your Host: I’m professional nature photographer Don Orkoskey. I’ve been working as a professional photographer for more than 20 years. Additionally, I’ve taught photography classes in Pittsburgh since 2007. In addition to nature photography I’ve sold more abstract nature prints for display in homes and businesses for over 20 years. Read about and see some examples at my fine art and nature photography website. I also write a monthly newsletter full of great information and maintain a list of free photography resources to help you learn photography.

How We’ll Create Abstract Nature Photographs

The process we’ll follow is one that I’ve used to create abstract nature photos for years. First, we’ll learn what settings, lenses, and other tools can help us abstract nature. Then we’ll take these tools and our cameras out into nature (or bring nature to us in the event of heavy rain). Specifically, we’ll use the following methods/tools:

  1. Time using long shutter speeds we’ll explore time and movement
  2. Close focus filters we’ll see how when we fail to focus or look very close we can see form and shape, light and dark, color fields, and more
  3. Found Objects one of the most fun aspects of this photography workshop will be using found objects to influence our photos, broken bits of mirror or other reflective objects, cellophane, and other flotsam

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