How To Master Your Histogram For Better Photos

Don Orkoskey | September 2, 2024

Master your histogram for better photos

Learn how to master your histogram for better photos. No matter what subject you're photographing mastering your histogram will improve your results.

How To Master Your Histogram

You can master your histogram. However, you first have to learn what it is. Then, you need to know what it's telling you. Finally, let's make sure you're correctly using what your histogram tells you.

What Is A Histogram

Your camera's histogram is a graph of tonal light data. At the left boundary of the graph is black and the right is white. Therefore, in between those boundaries are the tones your camera can capture. So, areas in that graph which are close to the left are darker. Equally, areas close to the right are lighter.

Use Your Histogram to measure contrast

If you took a photo that was so high contrast that all you could see was either absolute white and absolute black your histogram would have no data in the middle of the graph. Instead there would be blocks of black and white data at both extremes. Additionally, there would be a stark fall off rather than a slope.

an example histogram

Conversely, if your image contains no pure black or white then no data will show up near those boundaries. For example, this histogram shows white-space between the boundaries. Therefore, there are no true blacks or whites in the photo it comes from. However, there are areas that get close to both. Therefore, you need to understand these regions. Otherwise, you won't be able to use your histogram properly.

Reading Your Histogram Tones

how to master your histogram tones

Reading your histogram is fairly simple. Again, your histogram shows you where the data (light) it's collected is on this scale. Therefore, you need to divide the area into fifths. From left to right you'll have the following:

  1. Blacks
  2. Shadows
  3. Midtones
  4. highlights
  5. whites

Many cameras feature lines in their histograms allowing you to see understand the tones you've captured. However, they're often not labeled. That said, you can put them to use now that you understand what these lines mean.

Learn how to read tone here.

What Your Histogram is Telling You

Now you know what your histogram is saying. But, do you know what it's telling you? Your histogram tells you a few things.

  1. The amount of contrast in the photo you've just taken.
  2. If you've lost detail in either the brightest or darkest areas.

Use Your Histogram's Info

Look at what you're about to photograph. Do you see the tones listed above?

Now, identify your subject's place on that scale. Is your subject close to absolute black or white? Also, is your subject dramatically different in tone than the rest of the scene?

Now, take the photo. Then read your histogram. Does it look how you expected?

The Power of your histogram

Ultimately, your histogram's power lies in your ability to use it. The info it provides is a tool you shape your photos with. Of course it takes time. That said, here are some examples of how to use your histogram no matter what you photograph.

Master Your Histogram for Portraits

One great way to master your histogram is to use to control where your subject falls tonally. For example, let's imagine your taking an outdoor portrait. You want your subject to be bright and the background to be dark but not black. After all, you want to see the background.

Now, place your subject in a bright area or light them well. Too, make sure the background is in the shade or otherwise dark enough.

What if the difference isn't enough? If you're using flash then increase the brightness on your subject. Then adjust your exposure. You want your subject to be as bright as they were before, not brighter. However, by doing so you'll make the background darker.

Use Your Histogram for Wildlife Photography

As with portraits, it's best for your subject to be well lit and your background to be a bit darker. Of course, there are exceptions. That said, let's assume this is what you're trying to do.

Most likely you're not using flash.

As such you're relying on the sun to light your subject. Therefore, position yourself in a place relative to your subject with the light where it can strike them but not the background.

Unlike with flash you won't be able to adjust the amount of brightness between the subject and background very much. Changing your focal length can help to a degree. However, you're mostly stuck with what you've got. That said, you can still use your histogram to make sure you've got the details in the photo that you wanted to capture.

Master Your Histogram

At this point you've learned all you need to know to master your histogram. Therefore, all that's left is to practice. Make sure you're doing so in a few different ways.

First, by looking at the histogram and anticipating what it will look like.

Second, see what happens to your histogram when you over or under expose your photos.

Finally, try to add or remove contrast by changing your photos and seeing how that impacts the histogram. Additionally, you'll see how it makes a massive impact on your photos more generally.

Got Questions?

As always, if you've got questions about your histogram or anything else please contact me.

Mastering your histogram is one step on the path to becoming a professional photographer. For more tips on how to become a photographer be sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

Author Don Orkoskey

Pittsburgh Headshot Photographer Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography I'm full time professional event and portrait photographer Don Orkoskey. Since 2007 I've owned WDO Photography. Additionally, I teach photography in partnership with a number of amazing organizations in and around Pittsburgh as well as offering my own group photography classes and individual photography lessons. I teach classes for both adults and children and lead free nature photography meetups each month. I also write a monthly newsletter full of great information and maintain a list of free photography resources to help you learn photography.
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