10 Reasons Why You Need A Headshot Right Now

Don Orkoskey | December 11, 2022

Pittsburgh portrait photographer Don Orkoskey's headshot

I'm professional portrait photographer Don Orkoskey and here are my top 10 reasons why you need a headshot right now. For over 20 years I've been photographing professionals portraits in Pittsburgh. In that time I've seen firsthand how headshots helped grow your business and inspire confidence.

Professional Portraits help potential and existing clients understand who you are. This builds trust, potentially before you even meet them. So here are my 10 reasons why you need a headshot right now. If I missed anything please contact me to let me know.

1. Headshots Tell Clients Who You Are

The first reason to have professional headshots is because they tell clients who you are. In those first few seconds they develop their first impression of you. Your headshot allows you to control that impression in ways that are hard to do in person. This is because a professional headshot photographer like myself understands how to style, light, and pose you. As a result you'll look your best when making that first impression.

2. Portrait Persona

Your portrait will show off your persona and your company's culture. Since you'll likely dress in the style you'll meet clients in they'll develop more of an understanding of you and your business. It's important to attract customers that connect to your company's culture. Introducing your clients to your company or personal culture/style will prevent shock when you meet in person.

Additionally, they'll physically see who you are. Think about seeing those blank profile photos on social platforms. Do you trust a person with no profile photo? What about a company listed in a directory without a logo? Most people don't. They want to know who you are, show them with some new headshots.

3. Seeing You Creates A Sense of Trust

When a client sees your photo it creates a sense of trust. They see that you're not hiding from them. Subconsciously they're looking you in the eyes. According to a report published in the journal Cognition and Emotion released in 2013 it happens incredibly fast. People form an option about others by their facial expression in less than a second.

Your headshot allows you to control that impression and put your best foot forward. As a result you'll earn the trust of those who see your picture.

4. Your Positive Expression Inspires Good Feelings

We're impacted by the moods of those around us and your positive expression will inspire good feelings. These feelings relate directly to your business. According to this article in Phycology Today emotions are contagious. As a result your positive expression transfers to those seeing your profile.

This is why showing confidence and positivity are so important. Your professional portrait needs to show your clients that you feel good. A good portrait photographer will help you relax, feel confident, and genuinely smile and create a great headshot.

5. Look The Part

You're a professional and you need to look the part. Because you want to be taken seriously by clients you need to present yourself in a serious and professional way. This means that your headshot needs to be professionally done. Your social profiles and anywhere else where clients will find you should reflect your professional nature. A profile photo that matches your professionalism will show how serious you are about your business.

6. Relatability

When you use a professionally created headshot you demonstrate your relatability. Your headshot should, ideally, make you appear approachable. People want to do business with or hire people they can relate to. Your portrait can open doors for you by providing that welcoming and relatable look which makes people want to meet you in person.

7. Stay Up To Date

Even if your headshot was taken just a few years ago it's so important to stay up to date. The world is changing quickly. If you've updated your hair or look in any way you want to make sure your headshot is up-to-date. Additionally the style of portraits changes. If your headshot looks dated that might put some people off.

Read these 5 amazing tips for using a selfie for your headshot.

8. Better Photographers Make Better Headshots

The truth is that photography is evolving and a great photographer today can make your headshot better than they could just a few years ago. In what ways can they make it better? For one, more headshot photographers are mobile these days. The cameras, lights, and other gear is better. More importantly photographers have a better understanding of psychology today.

Now is the right time for a new headshot because these improvements amongst photographers will result in professional portraits for you.

9. The Virtual World

Since the pandemic we're all living in the virtual world (at least partially). You likely have a number of social media accounts, you use Zoom or MS Teams, and a photo of you is likely available on Google. Make sure public photos of you are ones which you want people to find. If that's not the case, having professional headshots done right now can change that. By making sure your new headshots are used on public facing websites with your name attached to them they will come up first.

10. Not Everyone Believes It

Not everyone believes that headshots are important. If your competition is one of them use your professional portraits to stand out from them. Even more importantly, if your competitors do use headshots then you want that to negatively impact your business.

Remember these 10 reasons why you need a new headshot. This includes being seen, understood, trusted, and remembered. If you want to instill those things in the minds of your clients you need great professional headshots.

 In Conclusion

In conclusion, you need a professional headshot so that you're taken serious. If you're looking for headshots in Pittsburgh please give me a call, text, or email. Do you want more information about photography? Sign up for my mailing list.

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