Pittsburgh Photography Blog

This Is The Best Definition Of Professional Headshots
In case you’re looking for one, this is the best definition of professional headshots and headshot photography online from WDO Photography.

What does DSLR stand for
What does DSLR stand for, find out in the informative photography article from Don Orkoskey, owner of WDO Photography Pittsburgh.

Capturing Commerce: Seize The Secrets To Commercial Photography Success
Seize The Secrets To Commercial Photography Success while learning about the vital role commercial photography plays in commerce today.

Understanding Color Theory Will Immediately Better Your Photos
Understanding color theory will immediately better your photos in unexpected ways. Learn how important color is in this article.

Photography Terms You Should Know: Aperture
Pittsburgh photographer Don Orkoskey here with the first of my list of photography terms you should know. We’re starting with aperture!

Photography Terms You Should Know: Aperture Priority
I’m Pittsburgh photographer Don Orkoskey. Here is a photography term you should know: aperture priority, part of my giant list of photo terms.
Articles categorized "photography terms" from professional photographer Don Orkoskey categorized as photography terms on the blog of WDO Photography
Thank you for reading the Pittsburgh Photography Blog by me, Don Orkoskey of WDO Photography! If you want more great stuff check out my other website Orkoskey.com or my social profiles at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.